Bernalillo County Water Conservation Incentive Programs

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Bernalillo County offers several great water conservation incentive programs for property owners within Bernalillo County, who do not receive water service from the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA).  In order to participate, customers must receive a water efficiency consultation that evaluates water use and opportunities for water conservation. During the consultation, county staff will evaluate opportunities for indoor and outdoor water efficiency and provide the estimated water savings and installation requirements for water conservation incentives.

High-Efficiency Toilet Retrofits
High Efficiency Washing Machines logo
Smart Irrigation Controllers icon
Rainwater Harvesting icon
Laundry to landscape gray water
Bernalillo County Apply Now

* For questions or more information regarding the Bernalillo County water conservation incentive programs, please call (505) 848-1500.